New CSC Building

Kwun Tong Composite Development Project
The Government announced in the 2018 Policy Address that a site in Kwun Tong had been identified for composite development, including the construction of the Civil Service College and other facilities based on the principle of “single site, multiple uses”.
As a major part of the Kwun Tong Composite Development Project, the CSC building will provide long-term accommodation and enhanced facilities for CSC to establish itself as a training and learning hub for the civil service and the wider public sector in Hong Kong and the region.
With a net operating floor area of about 16,600 square metres, the new CSC building will feature more professional and diversified facilities for creating a motivating and stimulating environment for civil servants to acquire new knowledge and experience in various ways.
Explore Facilities in the New CSC Building

*The design of the Civil Service College shown in this website is subject to future design development.