Executive Series on "Connecting with the World - ASEAN"

Overview of the Executive Series


The current global geopolitical landscape is a dynamic and complex tapestry of political, economic, and social forces that shape relations between nations. In an increasingly multimodal world, a deeper understanding of geopolitical dynamics is a vital tool for policymakers for informed decision-making, whether it is in anticipating economic trends, assessing future risks, or finding room for diplomacy, etc. The Executive Series in Connecting with the World: ASEAN consists of six sessions with distinctive topics to give participants valuable insights into global and regional development.


Seminar 1 : “Navigating the Changing Multimodal World”


In the inaugural seminar held on 22 November 2023, Mr George Yeo, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore highlighted how the global geopolitical landscape has been changing and shared his insights into how Hong Kong as a gateway between China and the world could respond and position itself to leverage its comparative advantages.



Seminar 2 : “The Future of Global Financial System: Challenges and Opportunities for ASEAN and Hong Kong”


In this seminar held on 25 March 2024, Mr Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow of the Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong, Former Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, explored the challenges and opportunities that the evolving global financial and geoeconomic landscape present for ASEAN countries and Hong Kong.



Seminar 3 : “Opportunities and Challenges from Regional Trade Agreements under the New World Order”


In this seminar held on 29 April 2024, Dr Lili Yan Ing, Lead Advisor (Southeast Asia Region) at the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, discussed the global economic shift, and the significance of regional trade agreements for ASEAN and Hong Kong in deepening economic ties with other countries and injecting impetus into the trade and investment environment.



Seminar 4: “Different Paths to Prosperity in ASEAN Economies”


In this seminar held on 20 June 2024, Prof. Krislert Samphantharak, Professor of Economic and Public Policy at the School of Global Policy and Strategy of the University of California San Diego, shared his insights into the distinctive features of economies in ASEAN, factors shaping their economic landscapes, and their unique paths in driving development. The seminar also shed light on the future of ASEAN as a rising economic bloc and implications for Hong Kong.


Seminar 5: “The Future of ASEAN and Its Role  in the Changing Geopolitical Landscape”

Seminar 5: “The Future of ASEAN and Its Role  in the Changing Geopolitical Landscape”


In this fifth seminar held on 25 Nov 2024, Dr Kuik Cheng-Chwee, Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, National University of Malaysia, discussed the emerging trends in geopolitics, Southeast Asia’s strategies, and the role that ASEAN plays in the changing geopolitical landscape.



Relevant Learning Resources

RTHK's TV Programme “A New Look into ASEAN”

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Dr Sok Siphana

Senior Minister, Special Missions & Chairman, Trade Policy Advisory Board of Cambodia

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Mr Hashim Djojohadikusumo

Co-Founder of Gerindra Party of Indonesia

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Mr Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad

Minister of Natural Resources & Environmental Sustainability of Malaysia

Watch Episode 2
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Mr George Yeo

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore

Watch Episode 1