Constitutional Order, National Development and Strategies
We strive to ensure civil servants’ accurate understanding of the HKSAR’s constitutional order, national security and national policies, and strengthen their national identity and patriotic spirit, and awareness of their responsibility for safeguarding national security.
Training activities include mainland courses, visits, exchange programmes and local seminars. By integrating aspects such as Chinese history and culture, the country’s development journey, stories of historical figures into different national studies programmes, we enhance the impact of our programmes so as to solidify the sense of national identity and patriotism of civil servants.
Training for New Recruits
Foundation training is provided for all new recruits to enhance their understanding of the HKSAR’s constitutional order, the country’s development and national security. Degree or professional grade officers are also required to take part in advanced training upon confirmation to the permanent establishment. This is to deepen their understanding of the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, national security and the country’s development, etc.
National Studies Training for Mid-level and Senior Officers
I. Mainland Programmes
We arrange national studies programmes for mid-level and senior civil servants as they advance in their career, deepening their understanding of the country through various exchange activities.

National Studies Programmes on the Mainland
We collaborate with nine Mainland institutions, including the National Academy of Governance, Tsinghua University, Peking University, China Foreign Affairs University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Wuhan University, Jinan University and Sun Yat-sen University, in running national studies programmes lasting for 5 to 12 days. The programmes, comprising lectures and site visits, cover topics such as the Constitution and the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the country’s latest policies and developments.

Master’s Degree Programmes in Public Policy
We arrange for senior civil servants with potential for advancement to attend master’s degree programmes in public policy on the Mainland, so as to deepen their understanding of the country’s development and broaden their perspectives in public administration. The programmes include:
- Master's Degree in Public Policy Programme jointly organised with Peking University
- Executive Master of Public Administration Programme for the Project of Hong Kong Public Administrative Talents, Tsinghua University

Staff Exchange Programme and Thematic Visits
We organise the "Civil Service Staff Exchange Programme" with Mainland municipalities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to promote in-depth exchanges between civil servants of both sides, thereby supporting the high-quality development of GBA.
We organise thematic visits to enhance civil servants’ understanding of the socio-economic development, growth of industries, innovation and technology applications, cultural conservation etc. in different regions across the country.
II. Local Programmes
We organise a series of local thematic seminars to keep civil servants abreast of the latest national policies and developments, and to enhance their knowledge of topics such as “One Country, Two Systems” and national security.

Programme on “One Country, Two Systems” and Contemporary China
In collaboration with the Institute for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Peking University, we organise an in-depth training programme on “One Country, Two Systems” and the contemporary China for directorate officers. The programme aims to provide them with a more comprehensive understanding of the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”, the country's macro policies and development, to support Hong Kong‘s active integration into the overall development of the country. Distinguished professors of Peking University and other authoritative experts deliver the programme in Hong Kong, offering opportunities for in-depth discussions. The topics include:
- The Communist Party of China and contemporary China;
- Socialism with Chinese characteristics;
- The theory and practice of “One Country, Two Systems”; and
- Developments in contemporary Chinese society, economy, national defense, technology, etc.

“Holistic View of National Security” Seminar Series
By providing a comprehensive analysis of the development of the holistic view of national security, its main content, and its significance to the country's development, the seminars aim to foster civil servants’ understanding of the challenges Hong Kong faces in safeguarding national security in the complex international environment, and civil servants’ innate responsibility in safeguarding national security.

High-level Sessions
We host sessions for the senior echelons, such as sharing sessions on the spirit of 20th National Congress of Communist Party of China and the spirit of "two sessions", to elaborate on important national policies, enabling principal officials and directorate civil servants of the HKSAR Government to fully grasp the country’s governance philosophy and development strategies.